Let's start with Friday:
- North MS Allstars--I've seen them before, but they always put on a good show
- Needtobreathe--So, I've heard of them, but never really gave them a listen. That was my mistake. Their live show was great, and I will be delving in to their music in the very near future.
- Florence + Machine--FLORENCE WELCH IS A GODDESS. She is magical. Her voice is angelic, and she is a breathtaking performer; seriously, I could watch her for days. When she was on, it was like the world stopped spinning, and I didn't want her to ever stop. It was that good, guys. If you missed her, super shame on you; you really did yourself a disservice.
And now to Saturday:
- Childish Gambino--I MET HIM. Okay, now that that is out of the way, let's get to his actual performance. I had a BLAST. He was so energetic, and it really projected on to the crowd. I danced and jumped and rapped, all like the white girl I am, but I enjoyed every second. His band was pretty awesome too; they too got into the music/pumped up the crowd. Haley and I made Community-inspired posters and we're going to pretend that he loved them, (which, how could he not?) Seriously fantastic, and he took off his shirt, which, you'll see is a mega-bonus.
- Cold War Kids--I have to stay, they definitely lacked the energy needed for a really great live show, but they were still enjoyable. It was very easy listening, and they played two of my three favorites, so I have no real complaints there. I think they may be better in a smaller, more intimate setting.
- Zoogma--Always fun. Interesting to see them in the middle of the day, sans light show and a good buzz, but always happy to support local bands.
- The Head and the Heart--Color me impressed. I already obtained their album and plan on giving it a serious listen on the beach next week. I really love their style, and they put on a fun/adorable show. I plan on being obsessed within two weeks. Check out the song Rivers and Roads, and expect more on them in the future.
- Coheed and Cambria--Second time seeing them, and they still rock. I know their music is not for everyone, but Claudio's voice: phenomenal, (hair too). I really need to put more of them back into my life.
- The Civil Wars--Holy Shit. Pardon my language, but really, if you're not listening to this duo, then you're not doing it right. The crowd was so quiet, as to hear every word/note/chord that they had to offer. I want to see them again. And again and again. They sang a new song for us, and it was just as lovely as everything on Barton Hallow. They also did a cover of Billie Jean, which was quirky and delightful. Plus, they're so stinking adorable performing together, so I'm basically even more in love with them now. Just like with Flo, if you missed them, you really did a disservice to yourself.
It's truly my favorite time of the year, and, as always, I'm bummed it's over. Here's to waiting until February for the next line up. Hopefully I'll make it to ACL or Voodoo Fest in the meantime.
So leave all your love and your longing behind; you can't carry it with you if you want to survive
I HATE that I missed Flo & The Civil Wars. Thanks for the commentary though ;) Love you!