Tuesday, October 22, 2013

i know i am enough

What a difference six weeks can make. 

About to finish week 8 of 20 of the half marathon training, and it's all starting to feel very real. I even went on a group run on Monday night. And today, I cleaned out both of my closets, (yes, I have two. I spoil myself to the point that it's almost disgusting). Simplifying, to some degree, in every aspect of my life has made a world of difference. I'm starting to feel like myself again, regaining the confidence that has been absent for so long.

I feel like I'm dreaming again. I feel like I'm seeing again. I feel like I'm breathing again. 

I've got it under control. 

I feel like I'm finally fighting those demons, even if it is just one at a time. And so much weight has lifted off of my shoulders, clearing my mind, allowing me to see all of the endless possibilities waiting for me. 

People don't need SSRIs; they need to run. 

But now, I don't negotiate with insecurities, they always seem to get the best of me. 

Insecurities are so ugly. I used to be a regular offender in this category, but I don't have any time for that anymore. I am invincible. I am strong. I am free. 

No more second guessing, no, there's no more questioning. I'll be the one defining who I'm going to be. 

Exactly this. No one else should be able to determine my worth; that's up to me. And I'll let you in on a little secret: I am enough. You don't agree with me? Doesn't matter. I've spent so much of my life allowing other people to control my happiness, (or lack thereof), but I'm done with that. I'm in control.

No more standing in my own way

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